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Iraq is being reacted in Libya

Thursday, April 21, 2011

History is witness to the fact that West has supported dictators and engineered murder of democratically elected heads of Government
J Narayana Rao
The present situation in Libya is most deplorable. Once again it reaffirms that the character of imperialism will never change. It is a sugar-coated sword. Iraq is being reacted in Libya. In Iraq it was Bush and Blair; in Libya, it is Obama and Cameroon supported by NATO camouflaged as international force. The language is the same: democracy, human rights, protection civilian population, and ending dictatorship etc.


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The vision is identical, regime change and capture of oil resources.Do these NATO countries qualified to speak about democracy. Have not they enslaved the people of the world? Did they ever promote democracy during their colonial rule? Millions of people were butchered during the freedom struggles of the colonial countries. There are several instances in the history where the west supported dictators and engineered murder of democratically elected heads of Government.
In 1952, Colonel Gamal Nasser of Egypt, who overthrew a corrupt Comprado Monarchy was branded as the “Hitler of the Nile”. In 1989, Panama was invaded by US and the President Noriega was called as a “Willy Jungle Snake” and “Swamp Rat”. In Dominican Republic after 30 years of US supported Dictator Rafel Trujillo even after a free and fair election brought Juan Bosch to the Presidency. He was overthrown after seven months in office by US backed military.
In 1983, the small island of Grenada with a population of one million was invaded by US and the Govt of the revolutionary govt of the New Jewel Movement was overthrown. During 1978-94 near about 70,000 Salvador people were killed by government troops supported by US. In Guatemala, 100,000 people were killed and 60,000 people disappeared in a conflict backed and supported by CIA. In Indonesia, the US backed military of General Suharto killed around one million people in 1965. The membership of half a million of the Indonesian Communist party was liquidated.
The Governments which strive for any kind of economic independence will face the wrath of US imperialism. Such governments may be reformist, populist, military as in Panama under Torrijo, Egypt under Nasser, Peru under Velasco, a Christian Socialist Government as in Nicaragua under the Sandinistas, a Social Democracy as in Chile under President Allende, Greece under Papandreou.
What is the situation in Libya under Gaddafi at present? It is Human Development Index (HDI) is 53, which is the highest in Africa continent. According to Global Research Institute, the life expectancy is 74 years, and under 5 mortality rate is 1.9 per thousand, adult literacy rate is 88.3 percent, per-capita income is 16,999 USD in 2008 and there is no unemployment.
According to Come Carpenter, a western commentator, “One interesting consideration in the Libyan conflict has the implication for Africa where the freeze on Libyan assets has wrought havoc on several economies heavily dependent on Libyan financial aid and whose major public companies (telecommunications, medical infrastructure) often have Libya as a principal investor. The western assault on Gadaffi’s regime is meant to put an end to all that, including the project of African unity in order to keep the continent under Western economic colonialism (under employees of the IMF like  Alassane Ouattara whose wife’s multi-billion dollar fortune is mostly invested in French real estate) and military control (US’s AFRICOM and the Anglo-French bases and mercenary companies).The wider objective is to keep new investors in Africa (China, Russia and India mainly) out so that it may remain a US-European condominium and a source of raw materials and cheap immigrant labour. Policy makers should be aware that western colonial imperialism, faced with sharp decline and financial disaster at home, has sharpened its claws and is launching a new wave of conquests” 

There is an upsurge for democracy among Muslim countries. This situation has watched over by the World community. The aspirations of the people must be respected. But the change cannot be according to the tunes of the imperialists. The African Union has projected a peace plan which Gaddafi endorsed. Countries like India, Brazil and Cuba should assist the African Union to find a solution.

Author is General Secretary, All India Peace & Solidarity Organisation, Maharashtra State Committee, and can be mailed at jnrao36@rediffmail.com

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